About This Blog

The name of this blog comes from a name my husband gave me years ago. It started out as just a simple knitting blog, to show off my creations to the world. But with all that has gone on in my world, I have changed it to show how knitting and other crafts are helping me deal with my anxiety and depression. I'm hoping that this might play a small part in showing the world that these mental disorders are not something to fear or be ashamed of, but something that we must work through as a part of life.

Friday, May 31, 2013


Have you ever had a day were you had everything planned out, and it was going to be awesome, but then something shitty happens and ruins it.

That's been my whole life, but mostly this past week. It's just been an endless cycle of crap happening, and me getting super upset.  Then I take my meds and calm down and try to look on the bright side of things. Then giant Karma monster comes and craps all over my bright side.  Again, flip out a little, calm myself down, and go 'Well, I'll just move over here, away from mountain of crap and start something new and better!', only to have it torn down by Hurricane 'Aww hell no!'

So yeah, that's been my week.  My MIL is in the hospital.  I was supposed to have my entire family come spend Memorial Day weekend with me, and I was really looking forward to it because I miss everyone, but they canceled at THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND!!! 

Lastly, I was really looking forward to try to get back into my yoga again, and it was going to work out PERFECT for the month of June. Like, I actually turned to my husband and said "This months work schedule is going to be PERFECT for me to start going back to yoga."  And what do I find out? That they changed the class schedule at the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND so that there is no longer a 5:30 class. So of course, I get upset and make a facebook post about it. 

But then I realize, hey, maybe my supervisor will be cool with me changing my schedule to a later shift, so that I could go to the later class. She said yes, and HEY!!  Everything is great again. Then I get a call from Pure saying that they'll just go ahead and cancel my membership, and blah blah blah, and you don't come all that often anyway, and I trying to explain the CHAOS that was happening without going into it too much. So then I just feel guilty.

I'm one of those people that can't make decisions well by myself.  I'm always worried I'll make the wrong one.  This is one of those times.  I could have pushed for a refund for my membership, or change my schedule to accommodate.  I choose to change my schedule.  Now they're refunding anyway, and I'm stuck with a schedule I don't really want to work. 

So now, I can either tell Pure that I'm sorry, and I'll just stick with my membership and go at the later times, or I can ask my supervisor to change my schedule back.  Either way, I have egg on my face now.  And I can't decide which is better, cause chances are it's gonna end up blowing up in my face YET AGAIN, because every decision I make is wrong.

I really wish I had brought my knitting with me today.  I need it. =(

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