About This Blog

The name of this blog comes from a name my husband gave me years ago. It started out as just a simple knitting blog, to show off my creations to the world. But with all that has gone on in my world, I have changed it to show how knitting and other crafts are helping me deal with my anxiety and depression. I'm hoping that this might play a small part in showing the world that these mental disorders are not something to fear or be ashamed of, but something that we must work through as a part of life.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh No's!!

So, with everything already on my plate, I just had to go and pick up a new hobby.  Tisk tisk.  :P

So I starting writing again. I was really big with the writing back in highschool, but it stopped once I started having to work for a living. I really need to get my writing chops back, so I'm only starting off with a few creative writing prompts, which I may, or may not post here. I really want to starting writing what I've just been calling 'my story', which is a sort of fantasy story I came up with in high school that I never got down, but has been floating around in my head ever since.  I'm not expecting it to go anywhere, but it would be kinda cool just to say I've written a novel.

But....it is starting to take time away from my knitting.  I mean, I'm a week in to my Featherweight Cardigan (in some really awsome Malabrigo Sock, colorway Aguas) and I'm only to the waistline.  Ok, that last part was a joke.  It's coming along quite quickly, but my beaded Haruni still needs to be finished. Like soon.  Soon, soon. 

I've gotten it up to 7 repeats (I think...14 stems).  I was going to shoot for 18 stems, but it's just taking much to long to get across each row.  The yarn I'm using (Classic Elite Silky Alpaca Lace) is very fiddly, even more so with the fake nails I have on at the moment.

Speaking off...I had my bridal portraits last weekend. =D  I really want to post the photos, but I'm worried Rodney might try to sneak a peak, so not yet. 

It's now less then a month til the wedding.  I'm starting to get nervous that something will go wrong, but you know what, something always does.  I just need to make sure I get everything finished. Which means I need to stop....Bye!!!


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