About This Blog

The name of this blog comes from a name my husband gave me years ago. It started out as just a simple knitting blog, to show off my creations to the world. But with all that has gone on in my world, I have changed it to show how knitting and other crafts are helping me deal with my anxiety and depression. I'm hoping that this might play a small part in showing the world that these mental disorders are not something to fear or be ashamed of, but something that we must work through as a part of life.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So I just finished...

...the cutest little dice bag ever!
I lucked out with the pooling. Looks like stripes. Yarn is some mercerized cotton that's been in my stash forever, and I made the pattern up as I went along.

I'm gonna have to make another in blue for Rodney.

Next on my list is I'm going to try to weave some play mats for Magic: The Gathering. I've got the yarn and pattern ready, just need to find the time to warp it!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm aliiiive!

No realy though, I am. I guess life just has a way of taking over everything. So let's see, what's happened in the last year and a half....

Biggest thing is I've gone back to school. Not like full time school school, but online career school; which is better than nothing. I'm trying to get my work certification in Medical Transcriptioning, something I think will work great for me since I can usually type at about 50 wpm. So yeah, that's what's taking up most of my time right now.

I've also join a few online book clubs (Vaginal Fantasy Hangout being one of them) and a Goodreads challenge to read 24 books in a year. I read somewhere that if you want to be a really good writer, you need to read tons and tons of books, to help get a better feel for character and world building.

Speaking of writing, I've got an idea for a new plot that I think would work really well. I've made it a point to write this book. Even if no one ever reads it, I still need to write it.

I'm still knitting and spinning (I've also started up weaving) but with everything else going on, its kinda been put to the wayside. I think that once school is done I should be able to catch back up.

My WIP list is insane right now:
     *Featherweight (that's right. The same one from 2 years ago. Only need the sleeves though.)
     *Beaded Haruni is still OTN as well
     *Swallowtail Shawl (a 2nd one)
     *at least 5 pairs of socks
     *3 crocheted blankets
     *something else that I know I'm forgetting
So yeah....just a little behind.

Oh! I also got married, bought a house, and got a dog! Big life changes all around!